Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hurray Mooncake Festival!

The Chinese celebrates mooncake festival each year and there it is accomplished by the servings and gifts of delicious mooncakes of all kinds. Typically, people enjoy traditional lotus paste with a single yolk inside, but as the house of chefs innovatively improve their works, these days, we enjoy yum paste, red bean, green bean with a whole lot of different stuffings including different types of herbal infusions and fruits. They come in different colors while the green tea paste mooncake is becoming more popular these days.

Enjoy the festival by holding hands and a small lantern strolling by the river side on the day of the mooncake festival and surely it will be an event worth remembering and cherishing every year. People also watch the moon while eating the mooncakes with tea along little huts by the river. Sometimes, they play chess as well while enjoying an occassional chat with nuts and crackers too.

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