Sunday, November 28, 2010

Charcoal Layer Cake or Cheese Pandan Roll

Both are tasty.. The charcoal layer cake has 2 black layers sandwiched together with the layer of the green tea sponge in the middle. It is quite popular these days where pastries and cakes are baked using bamboo charcoal which is marketed as good for health. Known to have detoxifying properties, the bamboo charcoal are used to make bamboo charcoal breads, cakes and added to drinks. So it looks like having a dark color. On the other hand, this pandan swiss roll is just too delicious.. The filling is not just normal whip cream but a rich cheesy filling redolent of farm cow's milk as it is added with shreds of still visible fragrant cheddars. Yum Yum! Sold in pieces and it is a perfect taken with a cup of hot aromatic coffee in the morning.

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