Sunday, November 7, 2010

Home Cooking - Fried Brown Rice and Chicken Fingers!

Brown Rice is full of fiber and protein. This one is a special version of Fried brown rice with frozen vegetables, sausage, chicken, asparagus and capsicum cutlets. Very nice as I did not think that it would be successful as usually it takes more water to cook the brown rice. Too much water makes the rice glueie, so just enough water to make the rice completely cooked while placing adequate amount of grape seed oil to add flavor and nutrition while frying the next day. It takes around 7-8 minutes before the rice is fried to its optimal texture.
This meal is specially prepared with added seaweeds to garnish besides the egg slices and steamed brocolli, asparagus, carrots and baby corn to top up extra vitamins. The fried chicken fingers on the other hand has to be put in the fridge for 24 hours in order to let its full taste immerse throughout with handful of marinated spices, herbs, garlic, pepper and ginger on lemon and oil. The next day it is deep fried in sunflower oil after each chicken strip is nicely coated with beaten eggs and its accompanying cracker crumbs to make it extra crunchy and delicious.

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