Monday, December 20, 2010

How to Grow Longan? Longans not Lychees

A lot of people do not very much take interest into longans. Therefore, not many know how to grow longan. Actually, it is not difficult. During the longan season, remember to visit the local market to buy some fresh longan. After you eat the longans, leave the seeds to dry before you plant them right outside your house. After all, longans are not that difficult to grow, and they will not grow taller than usually your gate post. You can enjoy the longan fruit soon when the longan tree reaches a certain height. And the fruits come in stalks where each stalk bears numerous longan fruits. Longan fruit health benefits include being a general health tonic and can be made into delicious drinks combined with sago. Dried longans can be stored away and is very tasty and sweet.

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