Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lemon Juice Pleazzz..

Lemons, as common and readily available from many places,  is in fact a very effective medicinal aid in curing quite a number of ailments including digestive problems, biliousness, nausea, heartburn, constipation and worm infestations. It holds the power to relieve hiccups. Just plain warm water added with a few lemon slices made into lemon juice can be taken regularly in the morning to act as tonic to the liver stimulating the produce of bile ready to work on the days' digestion.

Lemons are also thought to help dissolve gallstones and because of its high vitamin C content, it is thought to help prevent and treat many infections, hasten wound healing and temper down high fever. Lemon juice also relieves symptoms of asthma, tonsillitis and sore throat.

People with urinary tract infections or high uric acid which are linked to arthritis or rheumatism can drink lemon juice to flush out all the toxins and bad bacteria. When lemon is mixed with coffee, it is thought to help treat malaria. This concoction is also effective for headaches. Ladies who crave for fair skin can use lemon juice as a natural source of Vitamin C and antioxidant to help bleach the skin and prevent pimples/flare ups.

Externally applied, lemon juice could be used to stop epistaxis (more commonly known as nose bleeds) on the nostrils causing a slight stinging. When massaged gently into gums, lemon juice may also stop gum bleeding. Lemon juice with glycerin is effective when used on the lips to treat chapping. This may be a little strange but lemon juice applied on your skin can also help prevent sunburn.

Lemon balms are known for their ability to break fevers by encouraging the patient's body to perspire. Because of this, lemon balms are recommended for all fevers, no matter what the cause. Lemon balms are also popular treatments for cough and colds, even hay fever. Balms are also used in the treatment of flatulence and other digestive conditions. Menstrual cramps are relieved by lemon balms, as are dizziness, headaches and high blood pressure.

Psychologically, lemon balm is used to calm anxieties, clear minds and help people to focus. It also is supposedly to help improve memory storage and recall.

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