Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Panax Ginseng! Genesis of Life

Exhaustion catches up with us very often in our daily life, and there is nothing much we can do apart from taking good care of our bodies. The causes of exhaustion can be both mental and physical and these can be induced by stress from too much work or responsibilities. Where else can we find the key to beat stress and continue our busy life to keep us going? Maybe the answer lies with the Genesis of life, which looks like a little human body --> PANAX Ginseng or Panax quinquefolius, also called American, Canadian, or North American ginseng. The word Panax means 'All Healing' in Greek.

There are many kinds of Ginseng in the market and the most common is the American Ginseng which bears cooling properties to ease away fever and respiratory tract disorders. Asian Ginseng on the contrary is usually high priced and sells on bid based on the age and its quality specifications. Folkslore has it that one bite of these golden aged Ginseng may bring back a person to life for a few minutes or could actually prolong the one's life span up to a few months. Maybe this is true since these have heating properties to promote circulation on its active steroid-like compound called the "ginsenosides".

Ginseng has been known to improve resistance on physical, chemical, and biological stress and is able to build vitality and pay energy debts in the body. It also aids in certain illnesses such as diabetes and erectile dysfunction by enhancing blood flow, blood sugar levels, mood, and psycho-physical performance.

No wonder, so expensive....and remember Ginseng is Ginseng, not any form of roots from plants/trees/bushes.

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