Friday, January 22, 2010

Guinea Pigs or Prince of Cavies .. :D

Guinea pigs are large hamsters. Both without tails that make them top the list of lovely home small pets. Guinea pigs or cavies require almost the same attention and requirements in their weekly provisions such as beddings, toys, food and clean water. Handle them with caution because being the greatest in difference between a hamster and a guinea pig is that guinea pigs are much more delicate and they could die very easily if are non-properly handled and fed the wrong foods. Give them a good source of calcium and vitamin C to make them healthy and strong. Give them a chewing stick or mineral salts to allow them to polish their teeth in order to avoid over-growth and never use phenol/carbolic acid type disinfectants any near them. Here is a fun clip about bathing them.. :D

Remember G-Force? The action thriller about small super heroes which are guinea pigs :D, the advice was don't buy a guinea pig just because you watched that movie.

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