Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The benefits of mineral Make Up!

 Women wants to be beautiful and to do that, the most important thing is to look as natural as possible yet with an inner glow that shines health and vitality from inside out. However, with age, our skin becomes less elastic, eye bags start to become more visible and pores become enlarged. All of these factors make our complexion less appealing. Hence, comes the rescue of wearing make ups to cover up almost any flaws to restore that youthful look.

However, a lot of these make ups tend to do damage to the skin by blocking pores. It is useless even with very good make up removers because, as time goes by, the pores becomes more and more clogged hence causing the base skin to take up even more damage. The solution? Why choose better make up of course, use Mineral Makeup which is hypo-allergenic and non-comedogenic. Non-comedogenic means that it will not block pores and is applicable on all types of skin including sensitive skin. Some of the brands I heard were Jane Iredale's.

Another good reason to choose mineral makeup is because it is longer lasting and rarely needs touch-ups throughout the day.This way you would not have to rush to the restrooms every hour while dining with that hot date.

You must have known to wear sun screen on a daily basis, and yet with mineral make up, you will be instantly protected against UVA and UVB because it already bears a minimal SPF 20. Mineral makeup forms a breathable barrier that actually protects the skin from environmental pollutants that can cause free radical damage (this is what causes skin aging). And experts say, you can sleep in it without worries! WooHoo
Read About : Jane Irdale Mineral Makeup

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