Thursday, December 17, 2009

Darling Sweet Almonds! You are too Good!

Christmas is around the corner!! When we visit friends and family, often we can find Freeee nuts .. and just to be a little bit choosy over others, so that the host knows what win hearts most, check out the health benefits of ALMONDS

Almonds: Sweet and Loved by hamsters, guinea pigs, and humans (:p) mostly contains no carbohydrates.. Hmm Does that mean its good for diabetics? Yes right! and is Gluten Free ?? Really !! Yes Right! That is why it is so Hot and popular in place of wheat flour when it comes to baking using Almond meal. If you have dear ones that suffers from wheat allergies or coeliac diseas, try baking with Almond! and let them know that piece of cake is gonna be Special!

                                                                             "Did you know Almond Flowers are such a beauty!"

A standard serving of almond flour, 1 cup, contains 20 grams of carbohydrates, of which 10 g is dietary fibre, for a net of 10 g of carbohydrate per cup. This makes almond flour very desirable for use in cake and bread recipes by people on carbohydrate-restricted diets.

Almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E -- Ladies take this down, means good for the skin and complexion! Also rich in monounsaturated fat, one of the two "good" fats responsible for lowering LDL cholesterol. Aids digestion, eases constipation and prevents CANCER! Wow!

A controlled trial showed that 73g of almonds in the daily diet reduced LDL cholesterol by as much as 9.4%, reduced the LDL:HDL ratio by 12.0%, and increased HDL-cholesterol (i.e., the good cholesterol) by 4.6%.[20]

Speaking of Nuts, why gee Vitamin B's of course --- So good for the BRAINS and Central Nervous System! No more Stress maybe!

In Ayurveda, an ancient system of health care that is native to the Indian subcontinent, almond has been known to induce high intellectual level and longevity. Almond oil is called Roghan Badam in both Ayurveda and Tibb Yunani طب يوناني (the Greco-Persian System of Medicine). It is extracted by cold process and is considered a nutritive aphrodisiac-(enhance libido!) both for massage and internal consumption. Recent studies have shown that the constituents of almond have anti-inflammatory, immunity boosting, and anti-hepatotoxicity effects.

Information Taken: Wikipedia

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