Tuesday, December 22, 2009

YESSS, I love Chocolate! Dark Chocolate!

If you enjoy sitting by the couch watching TV for long hours and muching on bars and bars of Chocolate.. I say you are abusing yourself and the original health benefits of eating Chocolate. Eat it right and you wont contribute to the myth of weight gain and dental cavities caused by excessive Chocolate which is often sweet enough to contribute towards high calorie values.

In fact, chocolate is able to deliver a thousand health benefits with a good dose of truthful happiness from its ability to raise the levels of Serotonin (something that makes you happy directly triggered from the brains)  ( IF ) you know how to eat and choose the right Chocolate. Dark may not taste as sweet as milk chocolates but definitely they do a lot of good to your health because simply they contain higher levels of pure Cocoa and some are as high as 85%. That is one of the biggest reasons why pure Dark chocolates sell per grams and usually are very expensive. So what is so good about eating chocolate? First they are an alternative rich source of natural anti-oxidants -->the Flavanol at par with Resveratol (red wine) and Catechins (green tea).

And so, add on to that, they are believed to be able to lower blood pressure levels, inhibits spread of cancerous cells,prevents plaque formation in the arteries, helps anti-aging, fights stress levels, provides a vast array of vitamins and minerals and is even low in Glycemic Index (GI). Yes, means they wont send your blood sugar spiking, instead provides a slow and steady release of energy much like eating Oats. !! Hooray!

Read More about Chocolates: ALL CHOCOLATE


Anonymous said...

sure chocolate wont make you fat??

Meera Blu said...
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"Maitreya " - Ban said...

dark chocolate has 75% cocoa

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