Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mango Fruits for the Day!

Mango fruits originated from India and Southern Asia, Philippines. Cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions and distributed widely in the world, mango is one of the most extensively exploited fruits for food, juice, flavor, fragrance and color. For example, you get mango scented spray, mango ice cream, mango scented hand creams, masks, bath foam and food stuff like dried mango and etc. Mango is a very popular fruit, juicy, sweet and fragrant. 

In terms of its nutritional values, mango have its share on being a rich source of phytochemicals and nutrients. The fruit pulp contains high amounts of dietary fiber to ease indigestion, probiotics to enhance intestinal linings, vitamin C and provitamin A carotenoids. Mangoes have vitamins A, C, E, B6, K, and minerals such as potassium, copper and amino acids. Its peel and pulp contain polyphenolds and essential fatty acids beneficial for the heart such as Omega 3 & 6.

A little touch on cultural aspect of the fruit, it is held by the Lord Ganesha as a symbol of attainment, regarding the devotees perfect enlightenment. The leaves are used to decorate archways and doors in Indian houses and during weddings and celebrations like Ganesh Chaturthi.

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