Friday, January 29, 2010

Ciabatta Bread Sandwich! For the Weekend?

Weekend is near and there are a number of fun things to consider. Perhaps finding something nice to eat like a Ciabatta Sandwich on a Saturday lunch would be just perfect. These days, good breads are hard to find and the nice ones are softer, fresher and usually provides that fine texture, taste and smell you will love at an instant.

If you are a bread lover and had enough plain sandwiches already, why not try the Ciabatta bread.

Ciabatta breads have a crunchier skin but it should be very soft inside and if yours is right, it will taste right.

The shape of a Ciabatta is usually rectangular and the color is usually plain white. A delicious chicken Ciabatta sandwich can be very tempting to your taste buds and is a way to break the boring sandwich routine.  This Ciabatta is a bread originated from the Italians and some people call them Slippers :).

Get one today ! Maybe you will like them. Ciabattas should have better nutritional values than plain bread because they are baked fresh without much shortenings, instead it all depended on the baker's skills to produce the bread which is flavorful on its perfectly fitted texture.

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