Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Emperor Qin Palace, Where you can be King too!

If you are one of those who fancy Chinese series of the old dynasties where flying Kung Fu still lives among people, then you must have watched when the King would sit on a golden throne and command his kingdom.

In China today, visitors do that and most would enjoy an exciting moment by sitting on the throne in full fledged costumes for a few handsome shots. Usually, they would charge around RMB10 per shot or you could bring your own camera too.

To find this place, visit JiangNan China trip towards 'Hendian' for the Emperor Qin Palace.

Call it the eastern Hollywood , where more than 100 famous films such as the Emporer and the Assassin, Mummy III, Hero and etc etc had been made! Truly astounding place !!

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