Monday, May 24, 2010

Cutey Goats at Work, Cutey Horseys at Work too!

In China, I get the chance to witness these little cutey goats put up their graceful stance ready to work gathering at the main entrance at one of the ancient Chinese palaces in Jiang Nan.

 They served with a smile and parents usually pay a small fee to allow their child to enjoy a smooth single ride encircling the Chinese palace enjoying that scene and the fresh dew early in the morning. Children laugh all the way during the ride on their flowery little carts. The owners say they can pull a cart up to about 40 + kg.

Then there are the handsome horseys ready to take you in for some adrenaline (only for horse riders) otherwise the trainers would accompany you for a slow journey. The pay is the same as riding goaties and its a very different experience altogether. Anyhow, there seemed a lot of demand to grab on that 'Snow Whitey'.

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