Monday, June 21, 2010

Fresh Mango Flesh vs Fresh Cempedak Flesh

These are two amazing tropical fruits that are sure to fulfill our taste buds. They are the fleshy sweet mango flesh golden yellow in color as well as the 'Cempedak' that looks almost like a Jackfruit but is not. The 'Cempedak' is a tropical hybrid that sells a good price. The best ones guarantee a sweet taste that permeates the nostrils and a seed small enough to make a good deal of flesh. However, there is a trick to open up these exotic fruits as the outer layers of the shell would give plenty of sap that makes it difficult to clean later. So, make sure to grease the knife or scissors beforehand. Serve chilled and that makes it even better.

The mangos on the other hand are juicy and sweet. Do not take ones that are already too ripe as these could have worms inside. Slightly press the mangoes to see if they are ready to be eaten and slice them up nicely.

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