Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sensational Malak Steam Boat or "Ma Lak Huo Guo"

Steamboat on a carefree Saturday night can be an event to remember for life. This is especially true if you celebreate it with a group of cutey, lovey friends and family members to share that piece of joy and LOL yet finger pointing childhood quirks. It makes us remember the great and good times of childhood when friends help each other out despite having lived away half way through our lifespan. And the food is sensationally delicious. As much as everyone is willing to enjoy a great steamboat made of 'Malak' base soup, which is a kind of extremely spicy and hot puree made from a number of Chinese herbs and spices coated in thick base of oil, this dinner can really make you go completely crazy. It is extremely hot and spicy and it may top amongst other hot plates you can find at other places in the world.

There is a lot of spontaineity and free will to throw everything into the boiling soup base and allow the ingredient's permeating infusion to blend nicely before serving. After the hearty meal, everybody gets home and hopes for yet another such exciting dinner event. And if you wish to try this, remember to toss several types of great beverage or drinks, otherwise, we fear you would have to see a doctor by the next day after 'Malak', after all this recipe is not without its known reputation, ;) indeed not too many can take it..

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