Monday, December 28, 2009

Lovely Hibiscus Flower Tea !!

Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) flower tea can be so good that it is going to take your breath away. Researches have shown that this tea again is able to help lower cholesterol levels and thereby reduce the risk of heart disease plus it aids liver disorders.

The tea is smooth, distinct, uniquely delicious, rich in Vitamin C and Caffeine Free! Want to get some?
Usually, they can be found in stores ready packed and sells at an expensive price. However, there is a way to pick your own and make them yourself. Just be sure to wash off pesticides and that they are really free from germs or bacteria.

Place them under the Sun for a few days to dry. If you are persistent and lucky enough on this process, you can even store them up in a glass jar for near future use. To make Hibiscus tea, add one Cinnamon stick (or other preferred spices) and 4 cups of hot water to infuse. You only need 2 tablespoons of the dried flower to make up the tea. Make sure you let steep for at least 5 minutes before straining through a cheesecloth.

Let it cool before serve. Enjoy this lovely flower tea!

Note: Hibiscus is the National Flower of Malaysia and the Government prohibits any person who attempts to damage of pick these flowers.

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