Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Antartica Icebergs drifting to New Zealand !

"SYDNEY (AFP) – More than 100, and possibly hundreds, of Antarctica icebergs are floating towards New Zealand in a rare event which has prompted a shipping warning, officials said on Monday."

Climatic change and global warming are indications that the world is aging the same way as we do. According to the publications, Icebergs from Antartica are slowly breaking up into smaller pieces and this time they headed towards New Zealand, causing coastal navigation warnings for the area in the Southern Ocean.

Read from: Icebergs drifting

“As human-caused biodiversity loss and climate disruption gain ground, we need to keep our sights clear and understand that the measure of a threat is not a matter of whether it is made on purpose, but of how much loss it may cause. It's an ancient habit to go after those we perceive to be evil because they intended to do harm. It's harder, but more effective, to "go after," meaning to more effectively educate and socialize, those vastly larger numbers of our fellow humans who are not evil, but whose behavior may in fact be far more destructive in the long run." (Ed Ayres, editor of Worldwatch magazine, Nov/Dec 2001) 

Biodiversity loss --> Happens when we extract resources from mother earth in all forms possible (e.g. housing developments & mining on a larger scale, dumping waste in return without considering her feelings -- earth)

"Go after," --> Today our minds are trained to go after or to look for, without much constant reflex upon conscience or intuition.

"Humans who are not evil" --> Vanity blinds us to lead us into thinking that we have been good. We have not been, or have we been?

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